10 Garth Felin
Greg has an AirBNB located in Hay-on-Wye in the UK. He had listed his accommodation on Booking.com, airbnb.com and a few others. He wanted a website where he could showcase his accommodation and local events.
Squarespace Website:
Utilising the branding of 10 Garth Felin I created a beautiful landing page, the first section was all about the accommodation showcasing the facilities, images and testimonials. The second half of the page showcased the town Hay-on-Wye, this beautiful town for Book Lovers, Food, drink, culture and the endless great outdoors thrive in this town. I added a beautiful masonary gallery to showcase the tourist attractions. I also added in a little feature red peak which is to symbolise a break between the town house and the town information, i took inspiration from the logo for this part.
“Working with Rachel has been great. Rachel has been attentive, thoughtful and creative. She’s really helped my business.”