Mammoth Electrical


Mammoth Electrical, your trusted partner for quality electrical services in the Melbourne area.
Polly had her logo created by a talented graphic designer, and wanted to create a website on Squarespace. Polly wanted a simple, happy to use a Squarespace Template design to present their electrician business.


Squarespace Website:

I setup the website template that Polly was eyeing off, I added all of her assets, including the services icons, imagery and text. As the website is is quite mimalistic and only 4 pages, it was a breeze to put together for her, so she could get online quickly and effectively. Polly’s images really brighten and spark this website design to being modern, simple and effective for anyone looking for a skilled Electrican.

Rachel was awesome. really easy to communicate with, super friendly and really quick. She knows the ins and outs of square space too.
— Polly

Sacred Women’s Retreats


Carl Sherriff